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作者: admin 时间:2018-01-25

锅炉除尘器除尘主要针对锅炉除尘器除尘布袋粒径 1~10µm 的粉尘颗粒。在含尘气流中,由于粉尘颗粒对除尘过程中的压力损失影响很小,几乎可以忽略不计,所以在改变粉尘颗粒粒径时,入口速度与压力损失之间的关系,可以参考图 4.13 中 400G 型锅炉除尘器除尘布袋的情况。
Boiler dust remover mainly for dust remover for boiler dust bag size 1 ~ 10 m. In the dust stream, due to the effect of dust particles on pressure loss in the dust removal process is very small, almost negligible, so the change of the particle size, the relationship between the entrance velocity and pressure loss, can refer to figure 400G in 4.13 type boiler dust collector dust bag case.
从图可以看出,当锅炉除尘器除尘布袋入口速度为/20.8sm 左右,如果移用到管内流动,即入口雷诺数在 4100 左右时,对粒径在 1~10µm 的粉尘颗粒除尘效率较高,也即在此运行参数下,锅炉除尘器除尘布袋的适应性最好。
It can be seen from the picture, when the boiler dust bag entrance velocity is about /20.8sm, if used to flow in the tube, namely the entrance Reynolds number at around 4100, the size of 1 ~ 10 m dust removal efficiency is high, namely this operation parameters, boiler precipitator dust bag adaptability the best.
据此,锅炉除尘器除尘布袋依据管内流动,选择入口雷诺数为4100 作为最佳的运行入口条件,通过计算得到如下表 4.4 中的运行参数。在最佳运行参数下,选定粉尘颗粒粒径分别为 3µm 和 5µm,粉尘浓度选定北方、南方和全国平均三个参数。
Accordingly, the dust bag of boiler dust collector is selected according to the flow in the pipe and the inlet Reynolds number is 4100 as the best operation entry condition. The operation parameters of table 4.4 are obtained through calculation. In the optimum operating parameters, the selected particle size were 3 m and 5 m, dust concentration selected North and South and the national average of three parameters.
锅炉除尘器除尘布袋依此来分析气流中的含尘浓度对除尘效率的影响,计算得出下表 4.5 中的有关数据。
In order to analyze the effect of dust concentration in the air on the efficiency of dust removal, the related data in the lower table 4.5 are calculated.



Q Q:1106907447
